What sort
of person would invent sociology? Certainly someone living in times of momentous change.
Comte (1798-1857) grew up in the wake of the French Revolution, which brought a sweeping
transformation to his country. And if that wasn’t sufficient, another revolution was under
way as factories were sprouting up across continental Europe, recasting the lives of the
entire population. Just as people enduring a storm cannot help but think of the weather, so
those living during Comte’s turbulent era became keenly aware of the state of society. Drawn
from his small hometown by the bustle of Paris, Comte was soon deeply involved in the
exciting events of his time. More than anything else, he wanted to understand the human
drama that was unfolding all around him. Once equipped with knowledge about how society
operates, Comte believed, people would be able to build for themselves a better future. He
divided his new discipline into two parts: how society is held together (which he called
social statics), and how society changes (social dynamics). From the Greek and Latin words
meaning “the study of society,” Comte came to describe his work as sociology.
You will find links to dozens of organizations that generate useful information for people who are trying to change the world in one way or another. Find those that interest you to learn more...
American Journal of
American Sociological
Learn more about a number of the most influential men and women who have shaped the discipline of sociology and changed the world...
Max Weber
C. Wright
Herbert Mead
Karl Marx
Rosabeth Moss Kanter