John’s Journey

John J. Macionis was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He began studying engineering at Cornell University before majoring in sociology and earning a bachelor’s degree. John received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania.

John Explains What's New in the Current Titles

With years of experience across schools, community colleges, and universities, my primary goal has always been to offer the best-in-class material to my colleagues and students. In a rapidly changing world, it’s crucial that textbooks evolve as well. I believe that timely updates to book editions are essential to ensure relevance and accuracy, reflecting new knowledge.

Read the Preface to each of John's New Editions
Macionis Textbooks/Learning Materials
What's New?

The print editions of these two titles are available now for student rental. The REVEL interactive editions are also available now. For students who purchase Revel and wish to have a print copy, a three-ring full-color print edition is available for a few dollars more. Very low cost e-Texts, which are not interactive, also available .

Our new introductory titles--Sociology 18e (25 chapters) and Society: The Basics (18 chapters) represent major revisions and state-of-society coverage to support you with best-in-class content.

What does "best-in-class" mean? Below, six major goals of these revisions are presented.

What's New: Chapter by Chapter in Society: The Basics 16th edition and Sociology, 18th edition.

John J. Macionis